About The Radioman911 Fire Radio Network

Radioman911.com streams live fire/emergency traffic from Chicago and 30 counties from our network of 8 receiver locations. We provide real-time info about major incidents, produce audio recordings for history and training, and publish area public safety photos and videos.

Our receive sites stream high quality transmissions and enhanced fireground reception to our listeners. Our trusted moderators and helpful listeners post information and updates about major fires and incidents on our CAD and CAD Chat Board. We encourage everyone who gets something out of this site to participate by posting tips about fresh incidents on the CAD Chat Board. If you are interested in becoming a moderator please email us at radioman911info at gmail dot com.

Because we offer more of a listening experience than the audio-only internet streams, the best way to access Radioman911.com is with a real computer. Users of Android mobile devices may be able to access some of our site's functions. Apple mobile devices are currently not supported. We are currently developing a mobile app for release in 2015.

Radioman911.com went live January 1, 2009. We were originally streamed directly to WBBM Radio's Shadow Traffic to assist with locating accidents, fires, and other incidents affecting Chicagoland roadways. We have since developed a diverse audience that includes public safety professionals and private citizens interested in knowing what is happening out there, and Chicago newsrooms making sure they catch the next "big one" early on.

Radioman911.com is dedicated to all those keeping watch over our neighborhoods, from the public safety workers on the front-lines, to the dispatchers and radio techs working behind the scenes to keep the radio traffic controlled, organized, and on the air. Our volunteer receive site hosts, listeners and moderators serve an invaluable role in the RM911 project and we owe them all a tremendous thank you for their dedication. If you enjoy the site, please participate by contributing info and telling your friends and public safety colleagues about us.